Looking for a “shaman school” or “shaman training program”? The Balanzu Way School might be the right place for you.

Who We Are

At the Balanzu Way School of Shamanic Arts, we believe in the old method of relational apprenticeship work, while managing it in a modern way similar to models of graduate school in healthcare fields, which Western people are more familiar with. We strive to blend these Western and indigenous ways into something that makes sense in a modern world, while still being in integrity with the old ways.

As a community, we tend to draw a variety of queer, trans, and BIPOC folks, as well as folks of other backgrounds who are concerned with social justice and thoughtful about the harms of cultural appropriation, who want to engage with shamanic work in an authentic and respectful way.

The Balanzu Way tradition is grounded in our founder’s Mexican indigenous heritage and shamanic practice, and is guided by the spirits they work with. These beings offer permission to everyone in our tradition to learn from and work with them as a shared Way, while each person also learns to deepen into their own ancestral ways of healing/magic/shamanic practice as well, standing with one foot in each world—one communal, and one individual.

Find out more about our founder and primary teacher, Jai Medina, at their website, Two-Spirit Shamanic Healing.

The Balanzu Way School is committed to right relationship with all beings. We believe shamanic work, which addresses imbalance in the world as in the person, must therefore be concerned with equity, diversity, authenticity, and social justice.

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